С 30 марта по 14 июня московский офис работает полностью в удалённом режиме. МЫ МЕНЯЕМ НОМЕРА ТЕЛЕФОНОВ НА ЭТОТ ПЕРИОД.
Отдел продаж: +7 (495) 066-90-34, Вопросы логистики: +7 (966) 191-49-80; Общие и административные вопросы, связь с руководством: +7 (906) 072-53-30


Being an accredited partner of the Russian Export Center, today Evropac is successfully increasing the volumes and expanding the geography of Russian exports by transporting liquid cargoes from regions for which exports were not readily available before.

Russian President Vladimir Putin in a May Decree set the task for exporters of the country to double the volume of non-resource-based non-energy exports by 2024.

In Russia there is a large domestic market for products that can be exported, and which are also suitable for transportation in flexitanks. The problem is that almost all the manufacturing operations are located domestically, far from ports. Many of them do not operate at full capacity, since there is no sales market: the domestic market is limited, and the export one is almost closed due to logistic barriers.

One of the main consumers of vegetable oils from Russia is China. However, the cost of oil transportation by rail tank cars from inland regions of the country to ports or land border crossing points is very high, which does not allow domestic producers to compete with suppliers from the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine.

The innovative logistic tool that our company created for the oil and fat industry made it possible to deliver containers equipped with Evropacflexitanks to anywhere in Russia, transportcargo by rail as part of a high-speed container train to the main Russian ports, and then by marine transport to China and any other countries. Evropac flexitank created competitive advantages for Russian manufacturers and exporters, ensured their breakthrough in the market and overcoming of the logistic barriers that blocked the possibility of export development for the industry.

Evropac’s innovative logistic tool allowssugar, petrochemical and many other enterprises to achieve success in export markets and thereby contribute to the development of Russian export, pursuant to paragraph 14B of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin No. 204 dated May 7, 2018.





Evropac also forwards multimodal freight, transships other export cargoes to major Russian ports, and export shipments through the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin and Astrakhan. Our company effectively interacts with ports and representative offices of Russian Railways, owners of rolling stock and freight forwarders. This allows us providing the customer with the most convenient service using one-stop-shop approach. Evropac is a partner of the largest marine container lines MSC, MAERSK, CMA, FESCO, therefore we guarantee our customers the provision of containers in any volumes, space on ships and attractive rates.

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